

This release contains internal architectural/structural changes to the project only. These changes include the following:

  1. Preamble is no longer developed from a single .js file.
  2. Preamble is now built from numerous independent modules/files which are located in the src/ folder. These modules use the CommonJS module pattern.
  3. Browserify is now used to combine these modules into a single file named preamble.js. which is located in the dist/ folder.
  4. The spec runner including phantom-runner.js has been removed from the core Preamble repo (this repo) and are now housed in their own repo on Github @



  • When calling expect(fn), where fn is a function but not a spy, fn is first converted to a spy, then the spy is called, and then the actual value is set to the spy.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an eroneous suite in sample-suite.js only. No changes to preamble.js itself were made. You can ignore this release if you aren't concerned with the content of sample-suite.js having changed. Documentation also updated to reflect this change.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes ACall.prototype.hasArgPropety and Args.prototype.hasArgProperty methods.



  • BDD all the way!
  • Enhanced support for test doubles: spies, stubs, fakes and mocks.